You are able to add visual IDs against animals which is visible in the animal list view
Watch this video on how to add a visual ID/management tag or EID to an animal
Follow the step by step instructions for adding a visual ID/management tag or EID to an animal.
If you have multiple animals and you have corresponding eartags and visual ID numbers/names or EIDs, please send it over to in a csv or excel format for a quick upload.
Click on the animal you want to add a visual ID/EID for.
Click on the three dots at the top of the screen.
Click on the animal you want to add a visual ID/EID for.
Click on the three dots at the top of the screen.

3. You are now able to view more animal information. Click edit at the bottom of the page.
4. You are now able to add a visual ID/name. If you want the name to appear against the eartag number on your screen, add the name as the visual ID. Or if you want to add an EID, simply scan the EID tag with our compatible stick reader.

5. Click 'Save' at the bottom of the screen and you should see a confirmation page saying the animal has updated successfully.

7. You can now see on the animal list view, the name has added against the animal.

Related articles:
Uploading multiple VIDs/EIDs - web only
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