Animal Value Calculator: predict animal profit while weighing

You can use Breedr's Animal Value Calculator to predict the profit you would make on an animal, whilst weighing animals through the Breedr app

The Animal Value Calculator allows you to set the price per kg for either Live or Carcass Weight to then be able to view the Purchase price; current Estimated Value and Change (estimated profit, from purchase to estimated sale value) 

Animal Value and Update IDs

Note: you need to set up a purchase price against an animal before using this feature.


Set up your Animal Value Calculator in Crush Setup before weighing:


  1. In the Sessions tab, head to 'Crush Setup'. Enter template details if you want to (although not required) and tap the '+' button next to 'Add activity'
  2. Select 'Animal Value Calculator'
  3. There are 2 types of calculation you can input:
    1. Live Weight - Value = Price x Current Weight (above)
    2. Carcass Weight - Value = Price x Kill Out % x Current Weight (below)AVC - through crush setup
  4. Purchase price, Estimated value and Change fields are displayed
  5. As animal ID and weight is entered, the 'estimated value' and 'change' (estimated profit) is calculated and displayed beneath the weigh data along with the previously logged purchase price.
    Note: animals must have a purchase price logged against them to ensure correct estimated profit (Change) of the animal 


Or, set up your Animal Value Calculator during a Quick Weigh session:


  1. During your weigh session, set up the Animal Value Calculator by selecting 'Manage'
  2. 'Draft Settings'
  3. Add in the template name etc if you would like to first, or simply just select 'Add Activity '+' 2-Feb-17-2025-12-51-27-0553-PM
  4. 'Animal Value Calculator'
  5. Enter values for either the Live Weight or Carcass Weight calculation > 'Save'
  6. 'Continue Session'3-Feb-17-2025-12-51-26-9935-PM
  7. Purchase price, Estimated value and Change fields are now displayed. As animal ID and weight is entered, purchase price, estimated value and change (estimated profit) is calculated accordingly and displayed beneath the weigh data


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