Allows quick creation of animals, IDs can be added at a later date.
Please watch the video below on how to create and convert a mob of animals on the mobile app:
Please see step by step screenshots:

Select on the Mobs tab, select the yellow plus icon button to create a Mob
Select the Mob of Animals option
Select on the Mobs tab, select the yellow plus icon button to create a Mob
Select the Mob of Animals option

3. Fill in the create Mob page
4.Once this page is filled in scroll down to the bottom and select save. Your mob of animals have been created and will appear at the top of the page.
Please see step by step screenshots on how to convert a mob of animals:

Click into the mob of animals, here you are able to increase or decrease the number of animals within the mob. To convert a number of these animals into individual animals with IDs then select on "Add Eartags to these animals"
Fill in the "Add Eartag" page.
3. You can choose how many animals within this mob you would like to convert. Once the details are filled in select "Generate ID List".
4. This will generate a list of ear tag numbers in sequential order, next select sex button.
Click into the mob of animals, here you are able to increase or decrease the number of animals within the mob. To convert a number of these animals into individual animals with IDs then select on "Add Eartags to these animals"
Fill in the "Add Eartag" page.

3. You can choose how many animals within this mob you would like to convert. Once the details are filled in select "Generate ID List".
4. This will generate a list of ear tag numbers in sequential order, next select sex button.

5. This gives you the option to select if they are male or female.
6. Once selected press save & finish, the blue banner at the top of the screen will confirm the batch is converting

7. A confirmation page will appear, select close.
8. You can now see that the number of unidentifiable animals have been reduced to 18, you can also see the animals which have been converted into individual animals appear in a list with IDs
How to edit or delete a mob?

To Edit a mob select on the three dots situated in the top right hand of the screen
This gives you the option to edit the mob or to add animals. The edit mob option also allows you to delete a mob.
How to create a mob on the web app:*Please note you cannot convert a mob of animals to individual animals via the web app this can only be done via the mobile app*
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Need some help? Use the chat window to your right on web or the help button on mobile, call our customer support team on +44 (0) 3300 436327 or email support
To Edit a mob select on the three dots situated in the top right hand of the screen
This gives you the option to edit the mob or to add animals. The edit mob option also allows you to delete a mob.
How to create a mob on the web app:
*Please note you cannot convert a mob of animals to individual animals via the web app this can only be done via the mobile app*
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Creating & moving sheep to fields
Need some help? Use the chat window to your right on web or the help button on mobile, call our customer support team on +44 (0) 3300 436327 or email support
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