How do I keep my Breedr app version up to date?

Keeping your Breedr app updated is crucial for accessing the latest features and ensuring optimal app performance


How do I keep Breedr automatically up to date on my ANDROID device?

  1. Open the Google Play Store app
  2. Select 'Search' and search for Breedr
  3. Select Breedr app > tap 'Open' 
  4. Tap the 3 dots in the upper right of the screen > tick 'Enable auto-update' box

How do I manually update my Breedr app on my ANDROID device?

  1. Open the Google Play Store app
  2. Select 'Search' search for Breedr
  3. Tap 'Update'. Once updated it'll allow you show the option to open the app

How do I keep all apps automatically up to date on my ANDROID device?

  1. Open the Google Play Store app
  2. Select your initial in the upper right of the screen
  3. Select 'Settings' 
  4. Select drop-down arrow next to 'Network preferences' > 'Auto-update apps'
  5. Choose your update preference (i.e. update over wifi+mobile data or wifi only)



How do I keep all apps automatically up to date on my APPLE iOS device?

  1. Open Settings on your phone
  2. Select 'App Store'
  3. Ensure toggle is 'on' (set to green) against 'App Updates'

How do I manually update Breedr on my APPLE iOS device?

  1. Open the App Store app
  2. Search for Breedr and click on it > Select 'Update' if this is an option. If the button states 'Open', it means there are no new updates.


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