Medicine cabinet feature guide

This will give you an overview of features within our medicine cabinet

Our virtual medicine cabinet allows you to track medicine usage across your farm, logging medicine records against individual or groups of animals. When tracking your medicine usage through the Breedr app this keeps you compliant with UK Law by tracking and capturing these records in a medicine book report. 

Key features 

  • Scan and log your on farm medications by 2D bar code directly onto your phone

  • Automatically record batch number, quantity and expiry date

  • Administer and log medicines against each animal individually or in groups

  • Automatically recalculate medicine quantities after administering

  • Record disposal dates and methods

  • Archive empty medicine bottles 
  • All meds available for online viewing and download reports in line with farm inspections 

How to access your medicine cabinet? 

You can access the medicine cabinet on either the mobile or web app.  Please note you can only add a medicine to the cabinet via the mobile app. 

On the mobile app navigate to your menu situated in the bottom left hand corner> Medicine Cabinet

On the web click on the medicine cabinet icon situated on the lefthand menu panel:

How does it work? 

1. Add in your medicine into the cabinet via the Breedr mobile app. Our medication database is taken from the National Office of Animal Health (NOAH) and contains up to 500 different medicines. Scan in the 2D bar code to pull across medicine information, if the medicine is not part of our database the medicine can be added as a "Private medicine". 

2. Start logging medicine activities against individual or groups of animals 

3. View these activities in the history timeline of the animal and medicine book report. 

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