Activities in Chute Mode

Add bulk activities while weighing animals in the chute

Follow this guide to learn how to apply activities while weighing animals in the chute. You can apply activities to individual animals as they go through the chute, or if you are applying the same activity to all animals, you can do so after the session.

If you're sending animals off your ranch, finish the session and then click '+ Manage' and 'Create Movement.' Input the details of your movement, and click 'Submit.'



To log an activity to an individual animal (during a chute session)

  1. Using Chute Mode, scan the animal and view their information.

  2. Tap on the yellow '+ Manage' icon and press 'Log activity'.

    ​Note: You can also add an individual alert to the animal by pressing '+ alert'.

  3. Choose from the list the activity you would like to log.

  4. For example, choose 'Vet and Med' and 'Administer medicine.'

  5. Fill in the details, and tap 'Save and continue.'


To log an activity to multiple animals (after a chute session). This is recommended for animals that are all getting the same treatment. 

Note: Active or finished sessions are found on the 'Sessions' screen.

  1. Tap 'Pause' and then 'Save and Finish.' (The session will then be saved across all devices. If you have issues saving, please contact customer support and we can retrieve your data from our database). 

  2. Tap 'View animals.'

  3. Tap '+ Manage' and then select each animal you would like to add an activity for (or select all). 

  4. Tap 'Manage' and then 'Log activity.'

  5. Choose the activity you would like to log.

  6. Enter the activity details and press 'Save.'



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