Log Weaning - Mobile

To improve your breeding reports, log when your calves start weaning

  1. Scan the animal in the chute, checking that the weight is registered on the app. If logging the activity outside of Chute Mode, skip to Steps 2-4. 


  2. Tap 'Manage' and then 'Log activity.'

  3. Select 'Breeding' and scroll down to select 'Weaning.'

  4. Date the activity and tap 'Save.'

    Note: To quickly access this activity template, select the star in the upper right-hand corner to make it a favorite. 

    If you are in Chute Mode, scan the next animal. 

    Weaning insights can be viewed in reports on the Breedr web portal. You can track your progress using the Breeding History Report.

    Go to Reports > Breeding > Breeding History and then click  "Weaning Log" to get a full report.

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