How to get sheep list file from data link app to upload into Breedr
This guide will show you how to get a list of your animals from your stick reader onto the data link app that can be saved as a file that you will be able to upload onto your Breedr account.
1. Using your stick reader to scan your animals
You can set your stick to auto mode to scan the selected animals as shown in the video above.
Set stick reader to continuous mode: (As seen in the video below)
a. Turning on your stick reader and heading into settings
b. Select tag reading
c. Change read mode to continuous.
2. Connect your stick reader to the datalinks app on your iPhone or Android - you can do this on laptop but only Windows compatible)
a. Download the datalink app on your phone and connect to your stick reader.
b. Once connected press settings and click into the session you need.
c. Finally click on the share icon in the top right corner.
d. Save this in either a google or one drive so you can access this from your computer/laptop.
3. Open the file on your computer.
4. Now you can continue with this guide - Adding sheep to your account - for the next steps
Related Articles:
Switching accounts between sheep & cattle
Connecting XRS2/SRS2 stick reader to iPhone/iOS device
Connecting your XRS2/SRS2 stick reader to your android device
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