Upload Animals from EID Reader

Learn how to upload data from your Tru-Test XRS2/XRS2i stick reader to Breedr

1. Launch a session on EID Reader

2. Download Session Data

3. Download the Datalink app on your phone and connect to your stick reader.

4. Once connected, go to 'All Sessions' and click on the session you need.

​5. Click on the share icon in the top right corner.

6. Save this in either a Google or OneDrive so you can access this from your computer/laptop.

How to import data to Breedr

You should now have an Excel file saved on your computer. You can now log into the Breedr web portal and import this file using the 'Custom Import' tool.

Need some help?

Use the chat window, call our Customer Success team at +1 (833) 980-1926, or email support supportusa@breedr.co