Use Chute Setup to Sort

Sort animals based on specified conditions into Groups and Locations

With Chute Setup, you can set parameters to sort animals into Groups or Locations based on conditions such as weight, sex, or date on ranch.

For example, if sorting for a weight condition, you could have your animals sorted into groups that are ready for market and groups that are undersized.


Note: Locations must be added before the draft, groups can be added as you go.



  1. Select 'Sessions' from the bottom of the screen.

  2. Tap 'Chute Setup.'

  3. Enter a template name, this can be saved to use again.

  4. If you would like to add activities, you can either Update Animal or use the Animal Value Calculator.

  5. To begin a new sort, tap the yellow + icon to add a parameter. Choose whether you would like to sort into groups or locations, and then choose the conditions.
    Conditions can be weight, sex, and days on ranch. 

    For this example, a draft 'For sale' has been set to draft animals between 800-1300 lbs into the group 'Market Ready.'

  6. Tap 'Save sort' and then 'Start' to begin the session. 

  7. As animals are scanned in the chute, they will automatically enter the correct group or location based on the set conditions.

  8. The summary page will show you how many animals have been added to each group/location. 

Note: Placement can be manually overridden if needed, and you can set up to 6 sorts at once. 

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