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Apply Medicines

Learn how to log medicine activities individually and in bulk

Accurate record-keeping of medicines administered to animals is vital for several reasons. With Breedr, you can log treatments on a per-animal basis, particularly for those who require specialized treatments, experience illness, or need additional care. Alternatively, you can record activities for multiple animals in bulk.

For more information on chute-side activity logging on the mobile app, see this article.

Note: When logging a medicine activity, the medicine must already exist in your medicine cabinet. For a guide on how to create a new medicine for your cabinet, see this article.



Web Portal

  1. Make sure you're viewing your current animal list on the My Livestock and On-farm tab of the 'My Cattle' page, and select the animal you'd like to log an activity for. To bulk log, select multiple animals.

  2. Click the yellow 'Log activity' button on the top right of the screen.

  3. From here, select the activity 'Administer medicine' under 'Vet & Med'.

  4. When bulk logging, if you're administering the same quantity of medicine to every animal, opt to log the activity 'To all selected animals'. If you need to adjust the quantity for each animal, log the activity 'To individual animals'. Next, click 'Confirm'.

  5. The activity date will default to the current date but can be back-dated if necessary. Select the medicine from the drop-down menu and the Batch information will populate. Enter a dosage amount, withdrawal period, and a reason before submitting.

​Note: Logging a reason is crucial for getting quality insights from Medicine Cabinet reports.


Mobile App

  1. From the 'My Cattle' tab on the 'My Cattle' page, click the yellow '+ Manage' button on the bottom right of the screen and click 'Manage'. If you'd like to bulk log a medicine activity, select all applicable animals.

  2. Click the yellow 'Manage' button at the bottom of the screen.

  3. Select 'Log activity' from the menu.

  4. From here, select 'Vet & Med' and then 'Administer medicine'.

  5. If you've selected multiple animals, select whether you'd like to bulk log for all or log one by one.

  6. Depending on how you've chosen to log the activity, you will be prompted to fill out a form with the name and batch number of the medicine, dosage given to each animal (or all if bulk logging), withdrawal period in days, and a reason for administering the medication. Click 'Save and continue' under the form to finish.



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