Restart your Breedr account

Had a break from Breedr and now your data needs updating to make it a useable account again? Read this article!

To enable you to restart using the Breedr account you need to get your herdbook and medicine cabinet up to date for compliance reasons. You can also retrospectively add weights and other activities into the system should you want to.


Get your Herdbook up to date by marking non synced animals off your account:

A list of animals you've moved off farm direct via BCMS; ScotEID or another farm software system outside of Breedr, will flag up under 'Update Herdbook'. They will not be synced and need to be marked off farm in your Breedr account on either your mobile or web app.

On the mobile app:


  1. Click the red  'Update Herdbook' banner
  2. A list of animals, which are no longer synced to BCMS/ScotEID, displays. Tap '+ Manage'
  3. 'Manage'

    Update Herdbook - How to (YouTube Thumbnail)
  4. 'Select all' if you want to bulk select the list, or, to individually select an animal/s, tap the grey boxes to the right of the specific animal/s
  5. Green tick boxes show up against an animal/s selected > 'Manage'
  6. 'Mark off farm' 3-Dec-16-2024-03-21-46-8706-PM
  7. A list of the animals you've selected displays. Check this list. Use the arrow in the upper left to go back and redo the animal selection if required. 
  8. Fill out the details. If you are just clearing up your animals and have records of their off movement outside of Breedr, you can simply mark the animals off farm without entering details > 'Confirm move'
  9. This screen will show when you've successfully moved animals off-farm. Your red banner will no longer show on the homepage of the app, indicating your herdbook is all up to date.

You can also do this move-off event from the web app - click here to view the article.


Then complete the second process on the Regulatory Dashboard on the web app:
restart (1)Go to the Regulatory Dashboard > tap the numbered box in the 'Move OFF' row, 'Ready to approve' column. Tick the animals you want to move off and click 'Abort do not send'. This will move them off your Breedr account but will not notify BCMS. 

Note: be sure you make a note of the date you transitioned between systems for inspection purposes 


Get your Medicine Cabinet up to date by disposing old remaining medicine

We do not recommend deleting previous medicine data out of your Breedr account. If you used another system, we recommend you keep a note of this time period to keep compliant, but start fresh again with Breedr.

Firstly, dispose of old medicines:

Medicine Cabinet disposal

  1. Go to your Medicine Cabinet on your mobile app and click on the medicine you need to dispose of

  2. Use the '-' button 

  3. Fill in the quantity to dispose, select the route of disposal and then 'Log disposal'. The amount will have been deducted from your medicine cabinet (back to 0) and the disposal is shown in the activity list against the medicine

If you no longer have this medicine in your cabinet and will not use it again in the future, you can then archive this medicine. Click here for more information


Uploading medicine into your cabinet

  1. On your mobile app, go to the medicine cabinet
  2. Search the medicine name in the bar at the top
  3. Tap on the medicine 
  4. 'Create' to add in a new batch of the medicine
    1. Note: if you have not previously added this medicine into Breedr, read this article to learn how to add a new medicine into your cabinet


Upload previous medicine application activities (optional)

You can upload medicine data via a CSV file:

  1. You'll need the below information saved in a csv spreadsheet
    1. Full passport number
    2. Activity date of when you administered the medicine
    3. Name of the medicine
    4. Batch number
    5. Dosage
    6. Withdrawal
    7. Reason for treatment
  2. Go to Breedr on the web app > 'Import data' > 'Custom Import'
  3. 'Vet & Med'
  4. 'Administer Medicine'. Note: you need to have added in the medicine and it's correct quantity of medicine into your cabinet in order to record administering a medicine


Upload previous weigh sessions (optional)

You can also bulk upload historical data such as weight records into Breedr, via the web app, using the import data functionality described above too

  • Animal/s must be in Breedr so we can match the activity data to them via their passport number. Click here to read the article on how to add animals


Update users if required

  • On the mobile app, Menu > Settings > User Access > '+' to invite user
  • On the web app, head to 'Settings' > User access > 'Invite user' or tap in to a user. You can edit or delete users on the web app too

Need some help? Use the chat window to your right on web or the help button on mobile, call our customer support team on +44 (0) 3300 436327 or email support